Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Taking Over

There is an absolute craziness that has taken over the madhouse. One could argue that a house with 5 kids is always crazy, but we have went and added even more.
YUP, Girly Wirly starting kindergarten, homeschooling Lord Humble(9/10th grade) and Red (7/8th grade), fundraising for our upcoming gymnastics season, Little Bit trying to crawl, and Mini Man longing to be in school with everyone else, just wasn't enough. So,we decided to move across the country to the Seattle area and gave ourselves just a few months to make it happen.
I am looking forward to the seasons, and trees--BIG trees (not palm trees). And the thought of being hurricane free just makes us all do the happy dance. No more boarding up and evacuating. Woo Hoo!!!!
But in all of the excitement, there is also some sadness. We are leaving our friends some of whom I consider family. We have shared so much; births, weddings, illness, gymnastics practice.
It would be easy to get lost in the sadness. BUT, the movers will be here in 14 days. So back to the craziness I go!!


Caroline said...

Good luck with the move! I just moved over the summer...it's crazy. But I couldn't be happier! Now put those kids to work ;)

wendy said...

WOW! Good luck with everything! I'll be thinking of you. :)

Heather said...

Wow! An exciting move, but I'm sad that you will be even farther away. I've been hoping we would be able reunite soon. I'm sure someday...
Good luck with the move. Give Tom and the kiddos my love!

Anonymous said...

How is the move going? Wondering what you've been up to and how everything is...

I updated my blog and now my new address is
just so you know I wasn't hiding! :)

Nik said...

ooooh - good luck with the move! Seattle is such a gorgeous city.